Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bartenders Expo

Do you really think that it is the best idea to devote a whole expo and day to all of the bar industry in Ohio? They do know right that the majority of all bar industry worker are raging alcoholics right?! All the free shots you could think of for "testing" purposes. Hell yeah!! It was like an alcoholics dream come true when me and some friends scored some tickets to this years event and we all shipped out in a rented van w/ a DD around noon. It didn't help that we had all met at the bar before hand and made sure to get an early start on the festivities! All in all it was pretty lame compared to other years, but hey can't complain about free booze! ha we even scored a free bottle of vodka that we were sure to pass around in the van on the way back! Me and Jess had to do a major distraction so Grant could score it off the table so the behind the back pass around worked like a charm. When alcoholics put their mind to it you would be amazed with what we can come up with. Anyways we took the party back to the bar afterwords for a little after party like we really needed it and of course Jess bailed out early which is what i should have done. But no, instead my wasted ass ended up spending like 200$ and had nothing but a hangover and a pile of vomit to show for it the next day! It didn't help that my sister kidnapped me from the bar and carried me off to Joe's Crab Shack for dinner when i was already wasted, im guessing it was so i could pay for it of course.

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